Depending on where you live, your regular pick-up days will either be Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Recyclables are collected on one of your regular collection days. Refer to the flyer on the home page for the pick-up schedule in your area. Yard waste is picked up on the first day of the collection week (Monday or Tuesday), and bulk waste (appliances, etc.) is collected on the last day of the collection week (Friday or Saturday). All material should be placed at the curb no earlier than sundown the previous day and no later than 7AM the day of collection.
Commercial Collection is performed five days per week, Tuesday though Saturday. There is no collection on Sunday or Monday. All material should be placed at the curb between sundown the day before collection and 6 am the day of collection, to be sure it is collected. If a collection, you must remove the waste from the Street. Trash should not be left on the street all day. There is no recycling for the commercial area.
If you miss a recycling or yard waste collection due to a holiday, that collection will be made on your next regular collection day after the holiday. For example, if Christmas is falls on a Saturday, the recycling collection will be made on the following Tuesday, the next regular collection day for the area affected by the holiday.
Holiday Schedule
There is NO REFUSE COLLECTION on the following holidays: